iCSi patient associations

The iCSi community extends around the world with 53 patient associations representing patients in 41 countries.

AccessAustralia (Australia)

AccessAustralia (Australia)
Contact Person: Sandra K. Dill (CEO)
Office: P.O. Box 6769, Silverwater NSW 2128, Australia

Tel tollfree: 1800 888 896
Tel: +61 2 9737 0158
Fax: +61 2 9737 0245
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://access.org.au/

AccessAustralia is a consumer-controlled, independent sector organisation; a not-for-profit charity, committed to providing whole of life support for those who experience difficulties conceiving. AccessA strives to raise community awareness about infertility by being an effective national voice to highlight the social, psychological and financial needs of people.

AccessA builds active partnerships with like-minded medical and health professionals, policy makers, academics, researchers and industry representatives. In addition AccessA provides:

- Support - through telephone counselling, website community forums, infertility counsellors, personal stories.

- Information and Education - fact sheets on emotional and medical aspects of infertility, website, eNews, a listing of accredited IVF clinics and counsellors.

- Advocacy - with federal and state governments; representing consumers on scientific and accreditation committees; and bringing consumer perspectives to national and international scientific meetings.


AccessA is a public (unlisted) company. We regard compliance as a minimum standard and espouse ethical values including:

- Integrity - being honest in all things and true to the roles and duties entrusted to us.

- Fairness - behaving fairly and equitably; embracing a diversity of perspectives and people.

- Respect - behaving respectfully to others and advocating for the worth and dignity of each person.

- Leadership - providing a strong and positive example of appropriate decision making.

AccessA is committed to the principles of the Patient Centred Healthcare declaration of the International Alliance of Patients' Organisations (IAPO).

As an active independent sector (IS) organisation, (ie not driven by profit), AccessA provides national leadership to encourage citizen action and volunteering to better serve people and communities who need medical help to have a family.

Not geographically insular, our outreach extends to people in other countries who are ostracised and who suffer physical and mental abuse because of their inability to have a child.