News & events

18 Oct 2019

Reproductive health patients' summit

iCSi hosted a Reproductive Health Patient Summit in Dubrovnik, supported by industry partner Ferring International. Thirteen countries were represented and it was co-chaired by Sandra Dill (iCSi) and Prof Paul Paul Devroey (UZ Brussels).

How iCSi and local patient associations can work together was one of the key objectives for the meeting. Key successes and challenges were presented by each delegate and discussed and key learnings were shared. Patient leaders agreed to share knowledge.

The iCSi Patient Rights Charter was discussed together with strategies about how to disseminate the charter beyond patient associations to professional societies.

Delegates also engaged in open and honest discussion on the safety and efficacy of hMG-HP, following some disturbing reports from a conference in Canada. Prof Devroey reported on the latest research and Prof Julian Jenkins, Ferring's Head of Global Affairs was available to answer candid questions asked. The consensus on this issue was to address it if and when it arose.

Following the success of the 2011 Patient Summit, Ferring have offered to support another one in 2012.

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